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direction of directional protection functions is towards the outgoing feeder. Feeder Protection and Control. 1MRS756379 T. REF615. Product version: 5.0 FP1. REF615 is a member of ABB's. Relion. ®. product family and part of its 615 protection and control product series. The 615 series IEDs are characterized by Consult ABB Oy Distribution Automation's entire Feeder Protection and Control REF615 Product Guide catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/68. REF615 is the application configuration functionality of a member of ABB's Relion® product family and part PCM600 supports the creation of multi-layer logicREF615 is a member of ABB's. Relion® product family and part of its 615 protection and control product series. The 615 series IEDs are characterized by their. ABB's 615 series protection and control IEDs together with the COM600 Station. Automation device constitute a genuine IEC. 61850 solution for reliable power ABB REF615 Manual Online: Selection And Ordering Data. The IED type and serial number label identi- fies the protection IED. The label is placed above the The relay also supports the industry standard DNP3.0 and Modbus® protocols. Page 4. ABB. 4. 1MAC105361 permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered.
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